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Hauna Ondrey

Dean of Seminary Faculty / Assoc Prof of Church History

Dr. Hauna Ondrey teaches church history at North Park and believes she’s landed in just the right place. As a graduate of North Park University and North Park Theological Seminary, Ondrey knows the campus.

Ondrey focused her doctoral research on early Christian interpretation of the Old Testament prophets. “I am passionate about introducing students to direct, careful, and sustained engagement with the Christian past,” says Ondrey. “Not only to know and value the developmental process of which our current thought and practices are products, but also to cultivate the skill of engaging in sympathetic listening to the ‘other,’ with the goal of understanding.” Ondrey finds this to be a critical capacity for all Christians today, especially Christian leaders.

Ondrey also serves as editor of the Covenant Quarterly, the ministerial journal of the Evangelical Covenant Church, and she welcomes students to become involved with its companion site, Forum.

Recent Publications

Hauna Ondrey, “The Covenant Responds to the Black Manifesto (1969),” Covenant Quarterly 77:2-3 (2019): 3-30.

Hauna Ondrey. The Minor Prophets as Christian Scripture in the Commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria. Oxford Early Christian Studies. Oxford University Press, 2018.

Hauna Ondrey. “Gradual Spiritualization?: History & the Mosaic Law in Cyril of Alexandria’s Commentary on the Twelve.” Studia Patristica 72 (2014): 247–56.

Hauna Ondrey. “Cyril of Alexandria’s Hermeneutics of Identity in the Commentary on the Twelve Prophets.” In Doing Theology for the Church: Essays in Honor of Klyne Snodgrass, edited by Rebekah Ecklund and John E. Phelan Jr., pages 233–46. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2014.

Hauna Ondrey. “The U.S. Church and the Immigrant: A Survey of Ecclesial Response.” The Covenant Quarterly 66:4 (2008): 19–36.

Hauna Ondrey and Scot McKnight. Finding Faith, Losing Faith: Stories of Conversion and Apostasy. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2008.

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